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I've been lucky to have multiple articles published to some of my favorite online journals. My focus is real-talk, vulnerability, and overall being a rigorously honest messy human. There'll likely be cuss words; just a heads up.

"Quieting the little voice" article image

Quieting that little voice that stresses me out

Published August 2020 to The Manifest Station: This article covers reallocating my credits of “care” toward being myself, standing up for myself, and saying what I wanted to say rather than what I thought would be most popular.

Why I'm Thrilled I Gained 50 Pounds

Published February 2017 to The Manifest Station: This article shares my journey of body forgiveness and embracing inner beauty rather than focusing on society’s “ideals.”

Self-bullying image for "I'm thrilled I gained 50 pounds" article
"Emotional Nutrients" article image

Emotional Nutrients

Published September 2016 to The Manifest Station: This article discusses the importance of feeling rather than evading emotions.

Sensitivities = Superpowers

Published May 2016 to The Manifest Station: This article discusses the realization that sensitivities aren’t weakness; they’re superpowers.

"Sensitivities = Superpowers" article image

Catalytic Words: How I Learned to Let Go of Outcomes

Published November 2015 to Elephant Journal: This article is about the power and freedom of rejection.

"Catalytic Words" article image
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